Photogrammetry testing 7: SMVS (+MVE)

Here's the original post, and links to all posts I have previously outlined my goal of testing multiple photogrammetry solutions on a single dataset, and reporting times and results. I'm using a dataset based on photographs of this Styracosaurus model (I've had it since I was quite young): The dataset has 53 photos in total,... Continue Reading →

Photogrammetry Testing 6: Autodesk ReMake

Here's the original post, and links to all posts I have previously outlined my goal of testing multiple photogrammetry solutions on a single dataset, and reporting times and results. I'm using a dataset based on photographs of this Styracosaurus model (I've had it since I was quite young): The dataset has 53 photos in total,... Continue Reading →

Photogrammetry Testing 1: Agisoft Photoscan

Here's the original post, and links to all posts I have previously outlined my goal of testing multiple photogrammetry solutions on a single dataset, and reporting times and results. I'm using a dataset based on photographs of this Styracosaurus model (I've had it since I was quite young): The dataset has 53 photos in total,... Continue Reading →

Making footprints without feet

Last week saw the publication of a new paper by me and my colleague Angela Horner concerning the production of traces by terrestrially locomoting lungfish. Lungfish, as their name suggests, are perfectly capable of breathing air.  When the body of water they are living in dries up, they are able to move over land to find... Continue Reading →

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